10 Interesting Spider Facts
10 Interesting Facts about Spiders Love them or hate them, there are many interesting spider facts. They are fascinating creatures and while you may not be thrilled if they’re in your home, spiders are one of nature’s most brilliant predators. They help to control populations of disease-spreading insects and regulate natural processes. While spiders are…
Giant Water Bug: The Beast of Pests
Giant Water Bug Facts If you aren’t familiar with the giant water bug, these fascinating creatures are worth getting to know. These bugs are members of the insect order Hemiptera and can grow up to four inches in length. In the United State and Canada, these bugs are often confused with beetles or roaches. However,…
5 Moth Facts to Know When They’re in Your Home
5 Moth Facts Physical Features Moths are insects that can fly and they are close relatives of the butterflies. These insects are brown, grey, white, or black; unlike their colorful relatives. Moths are known to rest by keeping their wings in a flat position which makes them different from butterflies. While moths may seem to…
Flying Ants vs. Termites: How to Tell the Difference (Infographic)
The Menace of Flying Ants Vs Termites: An A-Z Guide The first indication of a house infested with termites is one having tiny flying insects. However, not all insects that fly are termites. Some of them may be flying ants. It is very difficult to understand the difference between flying ants vs termites, but pest…
All You Need to Know About Mosquitoes
Interesting Mosquito Facts Mosquitoes are pesky little insects that no one likes. However, could they be playing a role that we are unaware of? All creatures, big or small, have a role to play. Each organism works at balancing the food pyramid and several other factors that affect our ecosystem. Similarly, a mosquito has its…
Rat Vs. Mouse: What’s the Difference (Infographic)
Rat vs. Mouse: What’s the Difference? Rodents first appeared in the fossil record over fifty million years ago. While they are believed to have originated in Asia, they have quickly spread to develop massive populations all around the globe. Rats and mice hail from a common ancestor. Although they are similar, they have several key…
Why And How To Get Rid Of Silverfish
A Guide to Silverfish: Why and How to Get Rid of Silverfish If you’re worried over a silverfish infestation, take a deep breath. Silverfish are harmless to humans, so you don’t have to worry about any bites or transmitted diseases from these pests. However, you still should get rid of silverfish that are infesting your…
Ouch! Are Those Bed Bug Bites?
What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like? Bed bugs hide in the folds of the sheets, between mattresses, behind cushions, in upholstery, in drawers and in the cracks of furniture only to come out at night and feed on the blood of humans. Bed bugs are one the most notorious invasive pests out there. They…
Termite Life Cycle
Termites – how do they come to be? Termites are the ultimate green recyclers (and even the ultimate pests) and have been around for millions of years. These creatures might be blind and tiny, but they are crucial players in the ecosystem. They are soil engineers that maintain the diversity of soil microbes, plants, and…
How to Get Rid of Cave, Camel, and Spider Crickets
Cave vs Camel vs Spider Cricket Spider crickets, cave crickets, camel crickets… whatever you want to call them, they are the same species. The cricket has come across these different nicknames for quite obvious reasons. They’re called spider crickets, or sprickets, due to their spider-like legs and appearance. Camel cricket is a common name due…