Do Crickets Bite? Can They Transmit Diseases?
Can Crickets Transmit Diseases? Even though we do perceive them as being harmless to us, some areas may well give you cause for concern. At times, crickets have a strange place in our thoughts in regards to insects. To some, the sound of their chirping signifies summer is in the air, while for others they…
The Role of Crickets in the Environment
The Role of Crickets in the Environment First, crickets help to break down the decay of organic matter and return it back into the soil. All animals, even insects, have a place in the natural order of things, and they all contribute to the environment in their unique way. The cricket is certainly no different,…
8 Surprising Facts About Crickets
8 Surprising Facts About Crickets Even though you may be wondering how on earth this pest can be classed as ‘fascinating’ there is certainly enough evidence out there to back up our theory and conclusion. Crickets are fascinating! There, we said it! Even though you may be wondering how on earth this pest can be classed…
Cricket Life Cycle and Diet
The Life Cycle of Crickets, Their Habitat, and Diet Crickets are renowned for their loud chirping at night. This unique feature protects them from predators while also attracting mates. Surprisingly, crickets do not use their vocal cords to produce these loud resonant vibrations, but their wings. Like all insects, the lifeform of a cricket starts…
What Attracts Ticks
Things That Attract Ticks And How You Can Prevent Them More ticks have been recently moving closer to people’s dwelling places as a result of changes in climate as well as farming practices. It’s important for a homeowner to know what is attracting ticks to your home so you can take preventative measures. Apart from…
How To Get Rid Of Ticks Around The Home
How to Get Rid of Ticks Around Your Home If ticks are in or around your home, it’s in your best interest to get rid of them. These blood-suckers are known spread a range of illnesses such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Some of these tick-borne diseases can be and have been…
Life Cycle of Hard Ticks and Soft Ticks
Habitat, Diet, and Life Cycle of Ticks As you look forward to warm summer weather, there’s one thing you shouldn’t forget; a rapid increase in tick populations. There are over 850 tick species worldwide and they are grouped into major categories depending on their body structures. A hard tick has a hard exterior covering known…
What Do Cockroaches Look Like
What does a roach look like? All Species Look Different. Cockroaches are flat and they have an oval-shaped body. Cockroaches are common in homes and businesses because they provide food and shelter. They have really tiny heads that are covered by shields that resemble pronotum. Their mouth faces downwards and is backward. Cockroaches are usually…
Types of Fleas
Types of fleas and what they look like Fleas are parasites found on the fur or hair of many animals. Fleas are a worldwide nuisance, and easily get transferred from one place to another. They are tiny, and so often are unobserved by the human eye. You might think that fleas only bite animals, but…
Flea Diseases
Do Fleas Carry Diseases? You may have experienced fleas before and thought nothing of them, but fleas can be dangerous. Fleas carry diseases that can be passed on to you and your loved ones, including your pets. Most pet owners have encountered fleas when their pets are constantly scratching themselves. Fleas are small, brown, parasitic…