Get Rid of Squirrels

squirrel on tree

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Squirrels

Squirrels, for the most part, are harmless critters, but if left unchecked it could lead to problems. Learn how to get rid of squirrels effectively and safely.

squirrel eating

Squirrels are considered to be benign, but they can cause damage to your garden, and potentially spread disease. Also, they can cause damage to your actual home by chewing through wires, tearing clothes, and damaging belongings with their pointed teeth.

Their fast speed makes it difficult to trap them so it’s crucial to prevent them from invading your home in the first place.

• How to Get Rid of Squirrels? •


The following are some effective tips and remedies to aid you in controlling squirrels in your place.

  • Repellents

If you are dealing with squirrels in your garden or around your home the best option is to use special squirrel repellents available on the market. You can pick an organic or chemical repellent according to your preference, and protect your plants from these rodents.


Look for repellents which have capsaicin as the key active ingredient, and spray it near trees, plants, and entry points of your house and attic.


Some gardeners even spray the chemical repellents directly on the bulbs before planting them to keep squirrels away.

  • Mulch

Another way for how to get rid of squirrels in the garden is by using mulch. For this to work you will have to pack the mulch around your trees and plants. Squirrels despise mulch so they won’t dig it or try to damage your garden beds surrounded by mulch.  

  • Strong Odors

Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, and you can use it against them. Hang ammonia-soaked rags on the branches of your trees which are most loved by squirrels. The pungent smell of ammonia won’t make them want to come near those trees.

You can also use predator urine for this purpose. Go to any garden supply store, they probably have squirrel predator urine. Simply spread it near the plants and trees.

The smell of the urine will deceive squirrels fearing their predators are nearby. The only drawback of these odor-producing means is that they will wash away with rain, and you will have to reapply them.

  • Prevent Passage

Usually, squirrels find their way indoors by climbing on tree trunks, and from there landing on your roof. Curb this route by banding trunks of trees in your garden with plastic or metal baffles, especially trees whose branches touch your windows or roof.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is an effective repellent for lots of pests and is equally effective in preventing squirrels. Especially apple cider vinegar. The pungent smell of apple cider vinegar is aversive for squirrels.

Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar in water with 1:1 ratio, and spray the solution around your house. Deterred by the smell squirrels won’t enter your house.


You can use white vinegar, but for extra effectiveness, soak jalapeno peppers inside it, and spray this solution to keep squirrels away.


  • Mint

Mint unpleasant and bitter for squirrels, and they will hate to come across it. Plant mint in your garden, especially around your most loved trees. Even if you can’t plant mint due to lack of space, you can simply sprinkle its leaves on the pathways of squirrels or near their hideouts.

  • Cayenne Pepper

Spicy food is too overpowering and strong for animals like they are for humans. You can utilize this to keep squirrels away from your fruits and nuts. Sprinkle some cayenne pepper, pepper flakes, or garlic pepper around the plants squirrels are munching on. Once they get the strong scent or taste of the spices they’ll stay away from them.

  • Safflower Seeds

If you have a bird feeder in your garden, it can invite squirrels to it. Safflower seed is a great option to deter them. Mix some of the safflower seeds in with the regular bird feed. Birds won’t mind eating them, but squirrels despise them. Once they find them in the feeder they won’t come again to eat it.  

  • Sprinkler System

Motion-activated sprinklers in the garden can be effective for how to get rid of squirrels. Whenever squirrels come close to the sprinkler it will turn on and scare them away.

  • Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices work the same way as the sprinkler systems do. You can set up these motion-activated ultrasonic devices, so whenever a squirrel or rodent comes across it, it will produce an irritating noise that will be inaudible to humans but will be annoying for squirrels.

  • Squirrel Traps

Certain rodent traps are available on the market, and you can use them to deal with squirrels as well. Especially if they’ve infested crawl spaces, attics, or basements. Spring traps work mostly like traditional traps for rats and will kill them. Whereas live traps like cages will have an exclusion door, and you can remove them outside later without harming them.

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