Jones Bros Pest Control

Jones Bros  Pest Control, Exterminator Near Me


Jones Bros offers a variety of quality, guaranteed services to fit your pest control needs. Our trained staff is can help you with your unexpected pest problems, or help control that ongoing pest battle that you have been waging. The technician will use his experience and expertise to treat your home using Integrated Pest Management techniques that reduce risks to people and the environment.

This usually includes a visual inspection, power spraying the perimeter, (and yard areas if necessary), paying particular attention to any high activity areas, treating around eaves, foundation areas, windows and door frames plus any other areas that may require attention.

Sweeping of webs around the outside of the home and eaves areas. A one-time treatment includes a 30-day guarantee for most pest problems. If your pest problems return during the guarantee period, we will come back and retreat the problem areas at no charge.