Roach Prevention Guide: What Attracts Cockroaches?
Cockroaches are one of the most notorious invasive pests that attack human spaces. They have been around for millions of years, and have adapted according to newer ways of human settlement.
They sneak into all kinds of buildings, and can often be seen creeping around in the dark. Roaches can cause a lot of problems, from skin infections to stomach infections. What attracts cockroaches into the home that is causing thousands of people to be rushed to the hospital for these gastric problems?
Keeping the creepy crawlies out of your house can be a challenging task, as they can crawl in even from the tiniest of cracks and openings. The presence of cockroaches is seen as an indication of lack of hygiene and having a roach infestation can be a constant source of embarrassment and stress. If you own a commercial property that has a roach infestation, the infestation can actually shut your business down because of hygiene issues! Not to mention, it is a great threat to the health of the people living there.
For some people, their property is the cleanest it can be and roaches are still making their way inside.
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What Causes Roaches in a Clean House:
Like all other invasive organisms, cockroaches seek food and shelter – two things which are easily provided by buildings with humans in them. Different cockroach species are attracted to different things, so it is useful to know about the different types of cockroaches to be aware of the problem you’re dealing with. If you have an infestation in the kitchen and other places, it is likely to be the American roach. If the infestation is mainly in the bathroom, they are probably of the German variety (they require more water for survival).

German Cockroach
The Oriental cockroach is the most common variety of cockroach found in people’s homes. Either way, a roach infestation is a nasty thing to deal with. Cockroaches crawl over all available surfaces in the dark and can leave behind harmful and dangerous bacteria. Many come from the sewers through drains, and so can bring along the muck with them too. Different cockroach species fly, and this can make the situation a whole lot scarier for the person dealing with it.

Oriental cockroach. By Alvesgaspar – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Are Those Definitely Cockroaches?
A cockroach and water bug often look similar, so it is helpful to know the difference between them. Water bugs are completely aquatic, unlike the cockroach. Water bugs are larger in size than the cockroach. They are found in bodies of water and have long legs used for paddling.
Roaches especially like damp places, but don’t actually go into the water. They are lighter in color than water bugs and are more likely to infest your homes. To prevent roaches from coming into your clean house, it is important to know what attracts them in the first place.
Three Main Things that Attract Cockroaches:
In general, cockroaches are attracted to your house because of the following things –
Of course, like all other organisms, the cockroach needs food to survive. They feed on the leftovers of food that people leave lying about in their rooms and kitchens. They even eat food off of dirty plates. Garbage bins are also an abundant source of food for them. Make sure you keep all the leftover food in the fridge, get some close-lid garbage bins, and wash your dishes properly. Don’t leave empty cartons or food packets lying around. Stale or rotting food emits a strong odor that attracts cockroaches, so clear out all rotting food and garbage daily. Make sure you close your fridge, cupboards, and pantry properly at night.
German cockroaches prefer wet and cool places, which is why they will be commonly found in washrooms. Leaky pipes are a source of attraction to roaches, so make sure you don’t have any. Sinks are also a common place for them to lurk in as well. Keep an eye out for them in the basement and attic as well (where there can be water pipes). Don’t leave any rooms damp, and don’t leave water lying around.
Roaches are good hiders. They come out usually in the dark, and when discovered quickly scurry away into their hard-to-find hiding places. They can squeeze through even the tiniest of spaces. Boxes, clothes, pipes, drawers, cracks in the wall….roaches can hide almost everywhere. The shelter is another reason why roaches hide in human houses, where they can be safe from other predators. A messy, cluttered area will have a higher chance of infestation as there as more places for them to hide.
A dirty household is one that will definitely attract roaches. Leaving a window slightly open is enough for a roach to fly inside. Many come from the drainage pipes and holes in the drains. Preventing the entry of cockroaches is a tough job, but it is one that can be done.
How to Prevent Cockroaches from Entering Your Building
As mentioned before, cockroaches carry diseases and can cause infections. A roach infestation should never be taken lightly. The best option is to prevent the entry of roaches in the first place.
Keep your house clean and uncluttered
A messy and dirty house will provide these pests with more hiding spaces where they can thrive and breed. Cleaning the house regularly and keeping it uncluttered will make sure that they have nothing to feed on and nowhere to hide. Keep the kitchen clean, wipe the countertops, and make sure the fridge is properly closed.

Cocckroach Infestation. By Rachel So – Flickr: Audubon Insectarium, CC BY-SA 2.0,
By depriving the roaches of food, water, and shelter, you can keep them away. It is also important to make sure that your bedding and sofas are clean. Remove that empty chips packet from the side of the sofa, and brush those cookie crumbs on your bed away. It cannot be stressed enough that maintaining hygiene is crucial in keeping cockroaches away.
Make sure there are no empty boxes, vessels, and containers lying around
Discarded, empty containers are often the best place for these pests to hide. If the boxes have food residues inside, it only makes the situation better for them. They often infest the basement and attic of houses because of the boxes lying around. Discard the boxes if they have no use, or keep them tightly sealed and packed together. Even the smallest of spaces can be a good hiding spot for roaches.
Clear out your garbage daily or regularly
Garbage bins are an excellent source of food and shelter for roaches, which are often seen crawling around in them. They can easily contaminate the rest of your house by coming out of these bins and exploring other areas. To avoid this problem, clear out your garbage as regularly as possible. Keep garbage bags away from the house, to prevent roaches from finding their way inside.
Repair any cracks or openings in the buildings
A broken window, a damaged pipe, a cracked door, these are all convenient entry points of cockroaches.
Fix all such broken items in the house to prevent the entry of roaches. Add a mesh wire to windows, so that they can be kept open at night (and will not allow the entry of flying ones). Regularly check the basements, attics, and washrooms for broken pipes and other such items.
If you can’t seem to get rid of the roaches, it’s probably time you contact an exterminator near me. The exterminators we connect you to in your area are professional and qualified to get rid of any pest problem, including cockroaches. They will inspect your entire home and find the entry points of the pest and make sure they are gone and not coming back.***
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