8 Surprising Facts About Crickets
Even though you may be wondering how on earth this pest can be classed as ‘fascinating’ there is certainly enough evidence out there to back up our theory and conclusion.

Spider Cricket
Crickets are fascinating! There, we said it!
Even though you may be wondering how on earth this pest can be classed as ‘fascinating’ there is certainly enough evidence out there to back up our theory and conclusion.
However, we understand that you may be slightly perplexed about all of this.
So, the best way to deal with your sense of uncertainty is to perhaps provide you with some of that evidence.
After all, what better way to dispel those nasty thoughts and rumors about crickets than by contradicting them with some interesting cricket facts?
So, what can we say that may very well change your mind?
#1. Crickets are Masters at Music
Crickets can sing! Not only that but they are also pretty good at it.
The male cricket has different songs that he can use, especially when he is looking to serenading his dream female cricket.
At first he will have a calling song which is designed to grab the attention of female crickets nearby.
This will encourage them to come closer to him.
When they do this, and he sees some female that gets his singing voice all warmed up, he will seek to serenade her with his own courtship song.
If she is suitably impressed and decides that she wants to mate with him, he can then produce another song to announce his success.
In addition, a male cricket will also sing his cricket heart out in order to tell other male crickets that this is his domain.
In other words, a male cricket has pretty much a full album of hit songs to choose from.
#2. You Can’t Sneak Up on a Cricket
If you thought that it would be nice and easy to sneak up on a cricket, think again.
Just because their ears are on their front legs does not mean coming from behind will help, it won’t.
Instead, their tympanal organs are so sensitive that they can pick up on even the slightest of vibrations.
This means that they are aware you are near, and will instantly go quietly since making no noise is often their best way of defending themselves.
#3. There Are a Lot of Them
While we have no idea as to the exact number of crickets in the world, we do know they are in the region of 900 different varieties.
Also, you are going to find them around the world as species have been discovered as far north as Alaska down to the tip of South America
Different species can handle different climates with ease.
Around 100 different species exist just in the United States alone.
#4. They Were Dinosaurs
OK, so this sounds rather more dramatic than it actually is, but there could be a case made for crickets being dinosaurs which is pretty cool all on its own.
The evidence for this statement is that they split from their parent family, which included grasshoppers and katydids, during the period known as the Triassic.
This period lasted from around 250 million years ago to 200 million years ago. The split and their evolution into the crickets that we know today then continued throughout the Triassic and into the Jurassic period. Most of our scientists acknowledge that one the cricket species called ‘haglids’, has been derived from fossilized remains.
#5. They Have a Different Appeal in Various Cultures
In the United States, crickets are generally viewed as either food for reptiles or a pest that can cause damage to your home or vegetation.
However, that is not the case around the world as different cultures really do have an alternative point of view.
In China, for example, they are regarded as being lucky so they are kind of revered because who wouldn’t want to bring some good luck to their life?
However, go to the south of Asia, and there is an entirely different appeal. Crickets are a snack food in countries like Vietnam.
Take a walk around, and you will see them being cooked in the streets.

Deep-fried house crickets at a market in Thailand by Takeaway [CC BY-SA 3.0]
#6. The Origin of Their Name Is Also Cool
Understanding how something gets its name can be pretty cool, and the cricket is no exception.
The name is actually onomatopoeic in nature as it is supposed to be similar to the sound that they make, which does make a lot of sense when you stop and think about it for a moment.
The actual word is supposed to have come from Middle English and the word ‘creket’ and this, in turn, came from Old French and a word ‘crequet’.
So, not only has the cricket itself evolved but so too has its’ name.
#7. They Aren’t Too Choosy About What They Eat
Some animals and insects can be quite choosy when it comes to the things that they are willing to eat, but not crickets.
They are omnivores, which means they are able to eat both plants and animals, so their range of food is rather extensive.
If that’s not enough, they are also pretty good scavengers and will enjoy nothing more than tucking into a dead animal that is rotting away.
For them, it is seen as being somewhat of a delicacy.
But then, they go even further as crickets can also be cannibals, and will eat other crickets that they see as being weak or ill.
When you look at the list of things they eat you see why they are not choosy.
Related Article: Cricket Life Cycle
#8. They Love Warmth
There is a good reason why you will find crickets in parts of the world where it’s warm.
That is simply because they love the heat, and most species will struggle in the cold.
There are some exceptions to that rule, but generally speaking, they do like to be able to work on their suntan.
The cricket is actually cold-blooded, and they draw in the warmth from the environment.
This basically gets their entire body moving, so you can understand why they feel drawn to those warmer climates.
Have We Changed Your View Of Crickets?
The problem is that there are so many interesting things about crickets that it’s difficult to pick only a handful that we believe is going to be interesting to most people.
There is so much more to this small insect that you will just not be aware of.
But at the end of the day, they can still be regarded as being a pest and the correct steps need to be taken to remove them from your home or property.
At that point, all of the other interesting facts about them are just not going to matter the same when you just see the destruction that they are causing in your home.***
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