Posts by Danny

Types of Mice and What They Look Like

7 Common Types of Mice

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 7 Common Types of Mice and What Do They Look Like Whenever we see a small hairy creature we just assume it’s a mouse.[…]

Types of Crickets

9 Types of Crickets: The Amazing World of Crickets

9 Types of Crickets: The Amazing World of Crickets The nocturnal insects known as crickets are a vital part of our ecosystem. They break down plant[…]

Crickets Bite

Do Crickets Bite? Can They Transmit Diseases?

Can Crickets Transmit Diseases? Even though we do perceive them as being harmless to us, some areas may well give you cause for concern. At[…]

Camel cricket

The Role of Crickets in the Environment

The Role of Crickets in the Environment First, crickets help to break down the decay of organic matter and return it back into the soil.[…]


8 Surprising Facts About Crickets

8 Surprising Facts About Crickets Even though you may be wondering how on earth this pest can be classed as ‘fascinating’ there is certainly enough[…]

a cricket on a branch of a tree

Cricket Life Cycle and Diet

The Life Cycle of Crickets, Their Habitat, and Diet Crickets are renowned for their loud chirping at night. This unique feature protects them from predators[…]

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