Posts by heidy

fruit flies on fruit

Types of Flies

Types of Flies You Should Know About Flies are insects that are seen everywhere around the world. Belonging to the order Diptera, there are almost[…]

Asian tiger mosquito

Diseases spread by mosquitoes

What diseases do mosquitoes transmit? Each year, over a million people die throughout the world as a result of mosquito-borne illnesses. Mosquitoes can transmit several[…]

a dead cockroach on the ground

Role of Cockroach in the Ecosystem

What is the role of cockroach in the ecosystem As much as it makes you cringe just by hearing the word “cockroach” let’s just agree[…]

Brown-Banded Cockroach on a leaf

5 Cockroach Facts

5 Facts You Need To Know About Cockroaches If Your House Is Infested By Them Most households have been infested with cockroaches once at least.[…]

Asian tiger mosquito

All You Need to Know About Mosquitoes

Interesting Mosquito Facts Mosquitoes are pesky little insects that no one likes. However, could they be playing a role that we are unaware of? All[…]

a house mouse on a white background

Rat Vs. Mouse: What’s the Difference (Infographic)

Rat vs. Mouse: What’s the Difference? Rodents first appeared in the fossil record over fifty million years ago. While they are believed to have originated[…]

A bed bug on a mattress

Ouch! Are Those Bed Bug Bites?

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like? Bed bugs hide in the folds of the sheets, between mattresses, behind cushions, in upholstery, in drawers and[…]

termite eggs with adult termite

Termite Life Cycle

Termites – how do they come to be? Termites are the ultimate green recyclers (and even the ultimate pests) and have been around for millions[…]


How to Get Rid of Cave, Camel, and Spider Crickets

Cave vs Camel vs Spider Cricket Spider crickets, cave crickets, camel crickets… whatever you want to call them, they are the same species. The cricket[…]

water bug on plant

How to Get Rid Of Water Bugs

What are water bugs? ‘Waterbug’ is a name that’s used to refer to numerous types of bugs from the Hemiptera family, an aquatic insect order.[…]