Do Water Bugs Bite or Cause Disease?
Do Water Bugs Bite or Cause Disease? Due to their habits and traits, water bugs are often referred to as toe biters. As fierce as this alternative name sounds you’ll find out why it’s justified as you read on. You can find them in or near water bodies or well-lit places. They are fierce predators that…
Facts About Water Bugs
Facts About Water Bugs Water bugs are one of the strangest and intimidating insects nature has to offer. As big and creepy as they may appear at first sight water bugs really don’t deserve that much hate. While not as beautiful as a butterfly, water bugs are built to be excellent warriors. Although, this may…
The Life Cycle of Water Bugs
The Life Cycle of Water Bugs What do they eat and where do they live? Water bugs, as the name suggests, are aquatic insects belonging to the class of true bugs Hemiptera. They are the biggest of the true bugs in Canada and the United States as they can grow up to a maximum length…
What Attracts Water Bugs and How to Prevent Them
What Attracts Water Bugs and How to Prevent Them Knowing what attracts water bugs will also help you to keep them from causing you problems. As the name suggests water bugs are aquatic insects, and are often mistaken for cockroaches due to similar appearance. Their wings and hairy legs are enough to make them look…
How to Get Rid of Water Bugs in the Swimming Pool
How to Get Rid of Water Bugs in the Swimming Pool If you are experiencing an infestation in your swimming pool it is important you know how to get rid of water bugs in order to keep your loved ones safe. Generally you need to be aware of two types of water bugs: Water Boatman:…
Roles of Water Bugs in the Ecosystem
Roles of Water Bugs in the Ecosystem Nature gives all living creatures a role to play in maintaining the ecosystem. The role of water bugs in the ecosystem is just as vital as any other creature. Numerous research has purposes on the forest ecosystem, and how vertebrates and invertebrates there maintain the ecology. However, there is…
Types of Water Bugs
Types of Water Bugs No matter where you live, somehow you will encounter several kinds of insects. Some of them are several types of water bugs. Water bugs can be found all over the world in quiet, flowing water sources. Whether it is a freshwater stream, a pond or a swimming pool, water bugs live and thrive…
Giant Water Bug: The Beast of Pests
Giant Water Bug Facts If you aren’t familiar with the giant water bug, these fascinating creatures are worth getting to know. These bugs are members of the insect order Hemiptera and can grow up to four inches in length. In the United State and Canada, these bugs are often confused with beetles or roaches. However,…
How to Get Rid Of Water Bugs
What are water bugs? ‘Waterbug’ is a name that’s used to refer to numerous types of bugs from the Hemiptera family, an aquatic insect order. There are approximately 1500 water bug species worldwide, but the most common include giant waterbugs (alligator ticks), water scorpions, toe biters as well as the electric light bugs. Some of…