Common Household Bugs

common household bugs

The Most Common Household Bugs You’ll Run Into

Your home is a safe place. No one likes it when some outsider comes in and takes it over. Common household bugs or pests are uninvited guests, and once they enter your home they make it their own place. They are a continuous nuisance for everyone and might scare us at first glance, especially when we see them in the night or suddenly when they cross us. Their bites not only are painful for people but can cause skin allergies and be a carrier of disease-causing germs. It is better to stay away from them to avoid illness.

Thus, it is important to know about these household pests commonly found in the home and how to get rid of them!

A List of Common Household Bugs:

  • Ants ant image

The most common bug we see is an ant. An ants behavior can be quite interesting. They can be useful in that they feed upon flies and other small insects. In addition, they help to clean our house from the corpses of other small dead insects and their larva.

Ants measure anywhere from 1/32 inch to 3/4 inch long. The body of an ant is divided into three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. They can be found in a yellowish-red color, while the black color is also quite common among them. The majority are wingless but some have been seen with wings. You can control insects easily with the use of insect-killing powders, borax powder spray, or spray of an orange guard and get rid of them.

  • Bed Bugsbed bug image

You might have experienced the presence of some strange and small creatures on your bed, under your bed sheet, mattress, or any part of your bed. Yes, we are talking about bed bugs! They have the habit to bite, not only to humans but also to birds and other animals. They feed on the blood of organisms while injecting a fluid, which later on causes itching or in some cases, an allergic reaction to the sensitive skin.

An average, adult bed bugs are ¼ inch – ⅜ inch long and round in shape. After blood sucking, its body becomes elongated and swollen. A bed bug is a reddish brown colored bug with an average life cycle of a year. It is important that you check your bed carefully to make sure no bed bugs are present. These bugs can be tricky to get rid of so you will need to use strong insect killers. Besides a spray of the orange guard, Diatomaceous earth and such kind of insecticides will also help treat the problem.

  • Carpenter Ants

Another common household bug is the carpenter ant. They are given the name of “carpenter” because they drill, dig and live inside wood. Unlike other pests, they are not harmful to humans because they feed on the moist and decaying matter of wood and plants. They are found in our homes and could cause severe damage to our furniture and other wood material objects.

The size and color of a carpenter ant can vary from species to species. Generally, they are ⅜ inch – ¾ inch long and are known to be black, reddish brown and yellow. Carpenter ants are usually found in your home during the spring season. Their life cycles are longer compared to other species. In order to control them, you need to avoid moist environments near furniture in your home. Furthermore, you can also use insecticides or raise a chicken who feeds on such insects.

  • Cockroachescockroach image

Many individuals are familiar with the cockroach. There are more than 3,500 species of roaches. It has been discovered that they are among the few of the oldest living creatures on this planet. Cockroaches can vary in color from bright red to brown to black. Generally, when we encounter a roach in our home it tends to be red, but sometimes you will see a black or brown one. In terms of danger, they tend to not be harmful to humans. They have a broad, flattened shape, spiny legs, and long, whip-like antennae.

Cockroaches consume our food causing them to be unhygienic by leaving their marks, saliva, and other body secretions. They can bring a lot of harmful bacteria into our homes and make humans vulnerable to certain diseases. The first thing you need to ensure is that all of your food items are properly covered. In addition, there are products used to eradicate cockroaches such as killing powders and sprays.

  • Fly Fly, Common Household Bugs

Another common household bug is a fly. We can find this pest flying in our surroundings, especially near the trash. These household flies are ⅙ inch – ¼  inch long. They are light gray in color with large, dark red eyes. Females are usually larger in size compared to males. The life cycle of a fly resembles that of a Honey Bee, while an average adult lives for 30 days.

Several types of research have proved that flies are responsible for more than 100 different diseases which include salmonella, cholera, tuberculosis and many more. Due to this, it is important to get rid of flies. In order to control them, you need to ensure that your sewerage system is functional. Furthermore, you have to cover all foods, especially sweet ones. Last but not the least, you can get any insecticide from the market and spray it at the possible entry points to your home.

  • Spiders

Spider on blue background

The spiders have about 30,000 species throughout the world. All spiders are non-venomous except a few including the “Black Widow, Brown Recluse, and Hobo”. Spiders do not bite humans and somehow if they try, they cannot penetrate through our skin with their fangs. On the other hand, they are very beneficial because they feed on other insects, while few of them feed on other species of spiders.

The lifecycle of a spider varies from species to species. On average, a spider lives for one or two seasons, while in some cases they range from 5 to 20 years. In order to keep them away, you must have a clean house and all food items must be covered. You can use a Tanglefoot Pest Barrier, crawling insect traps, and insecticide sprays to help get rid of spiders.

There is a long list of household bugs as they are one of the biggest chunks of living organisms on this planet.

Other than the above-mentioned bugs, below are some other insects that can be seen in our homes:

  • Boxelder Bug
  • Clothes Moth
  • Dust Mite
  • Flea
  • Fruit Fly
  • Mice
  • Pantry Moth
  • Stink Bug
  • Termite

It is important to take precautionary measures since they are harmful to humans. It is important to keep your home clean, maintain a hygienic environment, and protect yourself. Furthermore, it’s crucial to have the best pest killer in your home, so it could be used when needed.




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