Home Remedies to Get Rid of Squirrels Squirrels, for the most part, are harmless critters, but if left unchecked it could lead to problems. Learn how[…]
The Life Cycle of Squirrels Squirrels belong to the rodent family along with mice and rats, but they are nowhere near the menace that they[…]
The Role of Squirrels in the Ecosystem. Do They Serve a Purpose? We encounter squirrels on a regular basis and find them all cute and[…]
Do Squirrels Carry Diseases? Rodents such as mice and rats are infamous for spreading a number of fatal diseases. Unlike their fellow rodents, squirrels don’t have[…]
What Are Squirrels Attracted to? How to Prevent Them? Squirrels are a common critter everyone encounters, but despite their cute image, they come with problems. Knowing[…]
Types of Squirrels There are many details that make squirrels who they are. Squirrels are tiny creatures who are known for their agility, and their[…]