How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are an unpleasant side effect of warm weather. While you can’t always prevent them, there are easy ways to get rid of mosquitoes and prevent them from biting you while you’re trying to enjoy the great outdoors.
20 Proven Ways To Help You Get Rid Of Mosquitoes:
Use a Swatter
Physically force mosquitoes away from your body by using a swatter. The best varieties are those made out of a thick metal or other dense substance, such as plastic, instead of a small flimsy swatter that you would normally use for other flies. Using a swatter helps to lengthen your swat and increase your momentum.
Mosquito swatter and zappers are a proven way to get rid of mosquitoes around you. -
Use Chemical Repellents
Realistically, swatting all day at mosquitoes simply isn’t practical–you won’t get much done if you’re constantly trying to swat away bugs! Instead, consider applying a chemical repellent to any bare skin or clothing. It should be applied before sunscreen. The best chemical repellents are those containing DEET and picaridin.
Chemical mosquito repellents containing DEET and picaridin are the most effective. Insect repellents should contain no more than fifty percent DEET, but keep in mind that the less DEET they contain, the more often they must be applied. Picaridin repellents are odorless and are considered by many to be a safer chemical alternative to DEET.
Use Oil-Based Repellents
Oil-based repellents are safer to use than DEET repellents. These are made out of common ingredients like essential oils. Eucalyptus oil is one of the most common oil-based repellents, and won’t harm your skin. Many oil repellents also protect against other pests, such as ticks.
Wear Light-Colored, Loose-Fitting Clothing with Long Sleeves
While it might be unpleasant to keep all of your skin covered during the hot summer months, consider covering up to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes. You can spray it with repellent to help increase its insecticide.
Remember that whatever you wear, it should be light-colored. Staying cool is crucial to avoiding mosquito bites. You should also avoid wearing perfume and other scented items during mosquito seasons.
Use Mosquito Nets
Mosquito nets are commonly used in areas of high mosquito activity to protect yourself at night. These are the only way to prevent mosquitoes from getting to you while you sleep.
Mosquito outside mosquito net. By தகவலுழவன் – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Mosquito nets drape over the bed so that they touch the floor on all sides. It’s important that you inspect your net regularly to make sure it is free of holes. These can also be used to help protect pets and other animals from nighttime mosquito bites.
Fix Any Holes or Gaps
This will also help keep out any other unwanted pests. Check all of your window screens and make sure any holes are repaired. You can use screen patches to repair them. Make sure the areas around doors and windows are also sealed.
Stay Indoors and Keep Your Doors and Windows Shut
This is perhaps the least practical tip, but staying inside when mosquitoes are most active is sure to keep you away from them when necessary. Mosquitoes are most active at dusk, dawn, and nighttime, so try to limit your outdoor activities during these times.
Use Citronella and Other Essential Oils
Citronella is a go-to option for many outdoor enthusiasts who want to rid themselves of mosquitoes for good. You can burn citronella candles or torches, or even plant a citronella plant. They even make citronella incense coils.
Citronella oil is a good mosquito repellent. Other popular herbs and essential oils can be used to repel mosquitoes as well, without having to worry about any unpleasant side effects. Popular choices include Indian lilac oil, coconut oil, lemon eucalyptus, mint, lavender, tea tree, rosemary, and basil, among many others. These can be used in candles, diffusers, foggers, bug sprays, or even as a whole plant to repel mosquitoes.
Repel With Soap
If you’ve tried just about everything to no avail, consider putting out a DIY mosquito trap to catch any that come near your home. Mix a few drops of dish soap with a bowl of water and place it in an exposed location. Mosquitoes will be drawn to the water and ultimately drown in the sticky bubbles.
Here, Milly Gabriel pots up the company’s mosquito repellent, made from pressed Lulu nuts, beeswax, and eucalyptus. By Oxfam East Africa – Supporting local entrepreneurs, CC BY 2.0, -
Swap Your Bulbs for Yellow LED’s
Mosquitoes hate yellow LED lights, and won’t stick around if all of your lights are from this source. Swap out all of your indoor and outdoor lighting. Bug lights and sodium lamps are other good alternatives.
Screen In Outdoor Spaces
Keep mosquitoes out by using a mosquito screen Whenever possible, screen in your outdoor spaces so that you can remain free from mosquitoes even when they are at their peak activity. Waterproof coverings will also help to keep out the rain and other precipitation, working double-duty so that you can spend more time outdoors.
Grab Some Garlic
While eating garlic doesn’t necessarily repel mosquitoes, it works exceptionally well when used as a barrier. You can plant garlic and the growing plant itself will help to repel mosquitoes, or you can sprinkle garlic powder around your lawn. You can even put some garlic powder in a spray bottle with water and squirt it around to kill mosquitoes on the spot.
Mulch With Red Cedar
Red cedar mulch is not only attractive, it also helps to repel mosquitoes and other insects. You can either mulch around your home and garden with this beautiful mulch, or boil some chips down in the water and spray the mixture around your property.
Grow Plants that Repel Mosquitoes
Plants are nature’s way of controlling and providing for environmental equilibrium. Consider planting several non-mosquito friendly plants to repel them from your property. The most common plants include catnip, rosemary, basil, marigolds, and citronella.
Plants like rosemary and citronella repel mosquitoes. -
Trap Mosquitoes
Be careful using mosquito traps and avoid electric mosquito “zappers” if possible, because they can sometimes trap other types of beneficial insects. However, some are designed to trap mosquitoes especially. However, traps using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI) bacteria are especially effective. These are safe and non-toxic to pets, children, and other pests, and the bacteria works as a larvicide. It will kill mosquito larvae as well as adults.
Remove Sources of Water
Mosquitoes are attracted to open water, especially if it’s stagnant. Make sure you remove any potential mosquito breeding grounds by draining unused pools, bird baths, and old flower pots. Make sure you treat your swimming pool with the proper chemicals to prevent mosquitoes, too.
Mow Your Lawn
Mosquitoes thrive in bushy areas. Keep your grass and shrubbery trimmed to help limit mosquito breeding grounds.
Try Home Remedies
There are dozens of other unique home remedies that have proven to be effective at eliminating mosquitoes. For example, dry ice, or frozen carbon dioxide, can be used to lure mosquitoes. You can trap them in a wide container and then close the lid to kill them.
Coffee grounds, when sprinkled in stagnant water, are also effective. They draw mosquito eggs to the surface of the water, where they are then deprived of oxygen. This kills them before they even hatch. -
Clean Your Gutters
Gutters provide an undesirable haven for mosquitoes to breed and lay their eggs. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of sheltered, stagnant water, making gutters a go-to choice. Clean out gutters as often as possible, but certainly every few months at the least.
Hire Professional Mosquito Control Services
If your mosquito problem has proven to be absolutely unbearable, consider calling the pros. Professional mosquito control companies know how to get rid of mosquitoes and can provide one-time or seasonal services. One-time services are ideal if you have a special event coming up, like a backyard wedding, for which you want to eliminate all traces of the nasty buggers for the short-term.
However, if you constantly have mosquito problems, consider investing in seasonal services. These visits are conducted every few weeks between May and September, and can permanently get rid of your mosquito woes.
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