How to Get Rid of Rats: Step by Step Guide
Let’s face it; if we discover that there is a rat nearby, then it is only human nature for us to want to get rid of it.
After all, we are only too aware of the potential damage it could cause to different parts of our property or garden, and then there’s also the issue of diseases and parasites to take into consideration.
What this means is that we have to be aware of the best way to get rid of rats and to do so as quickly as possible. This is indeed not something that you want to sit and think about for days on end, but the good news from your point of view is that there are some different ways in which you can tackle this issue.
Of course, there will be the professional way by calling in an expert, but it is also the case that prevention is going to be a great way to tackle the problem before it even has the chance to develop.
It should be mentioned that the methods used are going to apply to all rats as they should ultimately produce the same result no matter what it is that you are dealing with.

River Rat by Michael Palmer [CC BY-SA 4.0]
The Steps to Get Rid of Rats
Later, we will look at some home remedies that you may wish to try, but first, we should take you through the different steps that are generally followed when it comes to trying to get rid of those troublesome rats.
So, to begin with, you are going to need to inspect the area to locate the exact place where the rats are either coming from or where they are doing the damage.
You should then spend some time trying to determine if you can block off their point of entry but do remember that rats can squeeze through some very small spaces.
Also, rats will generally not enjoy things being moved or something new arriving as it unsettles them, so consider even moving things around and that could certainly make them think twice about continuing to set up home near you.
Finally, at this early stage, you should be looking at sanitizing the area as this is another critical component of pest control. What this means is you should remove any garbage that is lying around, clear up piles of wood or dead foliage in your garden, consider removing bird feeders on a temporary basis as they use that as a food source, and just double check that your garbage containers have a good lid that they cannot prize off.
Basically, you will be looking at making life as difficult as possible for them because even though they can be quite stubborn, they will prefer to look for an easier source of food or shelter.
Trapping or Baiting: Which One Is the Best?
When it comes to catching them, you have two options which are either trapping or baiting, and it is entirely up to you as to which one you use. Of course, with baiting, you will be using chemicals and poisons which can, at times, be quite off-putting for some people.

Rat trap _ By Dajo767 – I took this photograph using my cell phone from my apartment room at an apartment in Gokhuldam locality in Goregaon East, Mumbai. Previously published: Unpublished, CC BY-SA 4.0,
If this applies to you, then trapping is undoubtedly going to be a better alternative, and even within this, there are some options to consider.
With traps, you have a wide range from live capture traps to those that entice the rat into the trap, using some food as bait, before killing them. They are relatively inexpensive to purchase, and there’s no doubt that they are effective at what they do.
Also, it will then allow you to remove the dead rat before it starts to decompose, and you know where it is, as that can bring on a whole host of other problems that you then need to contend with.
When you use poison, there are a series of rules and regulations that you need to be aware of, which is why it will often be better to hire a professional company that is already aware of everything and knows exactly what to do.
Baiting by using this method should only be done in areas where it cannot be accessed by either children or pets. Also, you need to use a tamper-resistant trap when children or pets are around, and this is a law with you never taking any risk under any circumstances. The poison can come in the form of pellets, blocks or meal and just one dose will be enough.
“When you use poison, there are a series of rules and regulations that you need to be aware of, which is why it will often be better to hire a professional company that is already aware of everything and knows exactly what to do.”
Alternative Home Remedies
There are also some alternative home remedies that have had varied results with helping to get rid of rats, so it could be worthwhile trying some of them and seeing what your outcome is going to be. However, remember that there’s no guarantee of them working.
- Moth Balls
These are best to be used in the attic as the smell is repulsive to rats and it can help to keep them away. However, the smell is also not that good for us humans which is why they should be placed somewhere that is out of our general reach.
- Ammonia
If you find a spot where rats are spending a lot of time, then get some detergent, some water, and 2 cups or ammonia and mix it in a bowl. Place the bowl in the area where the rats hang out, and the smell will push them away in next to no time.
- Peppermint Oil
Another scent that rats simply cannot stand is peppermint oil as they find it to be rather pungent. Take some cotton wool balls and soak them in peppermint oil before placing them in the area where they are spending most of their time as it should get them to move away.
- Bay Leaf
You would think that rats would eat all kinds of vegetation which is why they could be drawn to eating a bay leaf. However, this is something that can actually kill them, and at least you don’t have the poison that is harmful to us hanging around your home which makes this a much safer baiting alternative.
- Cow Dung
If you can get some fresh cow dung, then deposit it in the rat-infested area. They will think nothing of having a nibble at it, which is horrible in its own right, but it is actually going to inflame their stomach, and they will eventually die. However, you do need to be able to put up with the smell.
There are some other items you could use to help get rid of rats such as onions, peppers, and even your hair since they will eat it and it will kill them.
As we said, you might need to try a few things before getting an effective remedy but at least there are options available, so there is a pretty good chance that at least one of the things is going to work and rid you of the rat problem once and for all.***
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